We play small, for so many reasons, but we play small. Unconsciously keeping ourselves from our greatness, for fear of criticism, judgment and shame. The critic within holds us in contempt of our true magnificence, using shame to prevent us from stepping into vulnerability and showing ourselves, stepping out into our truth, our courage, our passion, our purpose...we keep ourselves small.
I’ve hidden myself, shy and ashamed of being seen, to protect myself from being judged, misunderstood, ridiculed, rejected. Hiding my feelings, my thoughts, my heart. We all do this.
The critic within feeding us shame, telling us we are either not worthy and have no true value to offer or if you dare to believe or show yourself, to share your fears, your pain, your dreams then who the fuck do you think you are ..and therefore we remained hidden. Isn't this why most of us remain hidden?
It is in the hiding that we ALL REMAIN ALONE, hidden, frightened, wandering through our lives longing for deep profound connection and yet too scared and shamed to show ourselves to anyone, everyone.
Secret be told the reality is, this is ALL OF OUR PAIN.
My work has exposed to me over and over again, that despite what we struggle with, at our core, we all experience the same pain, the same shame, the same fear. It’s just plays out in different ways.
Our shame feeds in the dark corners of ourselves that we all keep hidden..
The root of our suffering is within the hiding of ourselves, it is within the hiding of our shame. Shame is the deep seated fear that we are inadequate and not enough, that we need to be perfect to be wanted, loved, accepted and received. This shame keeps us quiet, small and disconnected. It keeps us from exposing or showing ourselves, from stepping into our own truth, our own potential. It prevents us from sharing ourselves with others openly. It prevents us from walking our path and living our purpose. And finally it ultimately prevents us from profound connection.
If I can ask you to do one thing for yourself, I ask you to be real. I ask you to step into the vulnerability of yourself and allow yourself to be seen, to bring your fears and stories into the light.
I ask you to be real.
Daring greatly to be galant and courageous, honest and vulnerable. Step into the light of yourself, allowing yourself to be seen as inadequate or needy, broken or flawed.
Show yourself to me in the courageous hope that you will be seen, accepted, understood and met.
Please, please I ask of you, show me the real you...meet me here for I will welcome your fears, and through this you will release your shame and you will see you were always enough.